Insect Prison REMAKE update v0.80

Version 0.80 has arrived with the temptation scenes and some additions.

Insect Repellent

You can now buy the repellent in Rumia’s shop and use it to clean the Cabin of mosquitos or, if used outside, have prevent any enemy encounter until the next day.

Libido Ring

You can buy the Libido Ring at Rumia’s shop now and equip it to have the advantage of using lust in your favor during combat.

A new action called “Seduce” will appear as an attack when the ring is equipped and Leah has lewdness >= 3 and lust >= 40%.

Wharf Roaches and Parasite Beasts have new scenes when this action is used on them. Jellyfishes and Egg Flies use the normal consent scenes.

Also, if you meet Leeches with the same conditions while using the Libido Ring, there will be a new scene as well.

Magic Book

A new item called “Magic Book” can be purchased in the shop now. This occupies the Ranged Weapon slot, but gives access to an intercept counter and 2 new actions.

The intercept counter accumulates each intercept the player does to an enemy action up to 3, and allows you to cast 1 of the 2 new spells. The higher the counter, the more powerful the spell.

  • Fireball - An attack spell that can’t be blocked and deals x1.2/x1.4/x1.6 damage to the enemy
  • Heal - a self spell that heals Leah by 25%/50%/75%

Using any spell resets the counter of intercepts to 0.

This is how the new actions interact with the current ones:




  • (MOD) Embedded the readme.txt file in the title screen (About option)
  • (MOD) Battle loot drops always 1 to 3 units of an item now
  • (FIX) Equipment window spacing and size
  • (FIX) Enemies acting without waiting for previous grab attack to end (FINALLY!)
  • (FIX) Leech Salt not being consumed when used to resist Leeches
  • (FIX) Repeat action allowed healing without bandages in the inventory
  • (FIX) Starting a new game after loading a save would not reset player data
  • (ADD) Localization and language selection (only English for now)
  • (ADD) Ero Drug, Sedative, Anti Parasite and Incense as usable in combat
  • (ADD) Magic Book item and the Heal and Fireball Spell actions to combat
  • (ADD) Custom Breastplate and Aid Ring items to armor workbench
  • (ADD) Insect Repellent and Libido Ring to Rumia’s shop
  • (ADD) Seduce action to combat (req: lewdness >= 3, lust >= 40% and Libido Ring)
  • (ADD) Egg Fly and Jellyfish consent scenes to Seduce action
  • (ADD) Wharf Roach temptation scene to Seduce action (upscaled by x2)
  • (ADD) Parasite Beast temptation scene to Seduce action (upscaled by x2)
  • (ADD) Leech temptation scene to Seduce action (upscaled by x2)
  • (REM) The compressed readme.txt file as it is now inside the game


Insect Prison REMAKE - Linux 376 MB
Version 0.80 Sep 24, 2024
Insect Prison REMAKE - Android 419 MB
Version 0.80 Sep 24, 2024
Insect Prison REMAKE - Windows 371 MB
Version 0.80 Sep 24, 2024

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