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How can I find the deep forest and waterfall?


Keep searching the sewers and it will reveal a new path to take.
The waterfall is at the deep forest

First i wanted to say thank you for your hard work! I know that Atera kinda gave up on this game, but mentionned after he is done with his current CG collection he would like to work on a new game (he is still working on it right now and its been years, so not sure if he still plans this). For the future updates i am not sure how realistic it is but do you think that trying to contact him and check if its possible to see for possible arrangements? Technically he does have the high res version too. I mean he seems quite overwhelmed with the work on the CG collection, but what if some of the new stuff he release monthly could go towards this game? You guys are doing an amazing work on this. Also not to be mean but Atera seems to be lacking in coding and stuff. So it could be a win win maybe? Hope my ramblings make sense, just throwing some ideas here!

Thanks for your hard work!

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First of all, atera - sensei's work on the new game still hasn't started as his main job now is to sell his next cg collection, but so far the work is still not finished, but I predict that it will be released next year for sure as the progress is nearing completion.

Then we are not able to use his cg's other than the game because those are paid items that he uses to provide benefits to sponsored fans, something that has also been clearly replied to.

The only sad thing is that the original version of this game will probably stop updating permanently, as it is a free-to-play game from which no revenue can be made, but at least we got to know him through this game and have more to look forward to. Now, let's see how much more new content we can add in the remake able.

Lastly, his experience with the game I believe is excellent, knowing that he is putting together 100+ cg's into a smooth "animation" is proof of unquestionable excellence, and the reason why he's progressing very slowly is because he needs to be rewarded every month to make an income, otherwise he can't live.

That's about it, I apologize if it's hard for you to read since I'm using a translator, but I can give you an interesting news, that is that there will probably be 2 Leahs in his new game (Leah in the game is not the same person as Leah in the cg's) and Leah's sidekick will be appearing in the future games too.

Thanks for reading.


Thank you for the support :).

To add to what Lightning_Dragon said, we’ve already talked with Atera, but he does not have the time to spare, since he has to focus on his life and own projects.

Unfortunately, neither commissioned work nor using some other CGs by him are an option, so we’ll have to find our own way for any new scenes, which will lead us most likely to paying an artist for drawing new CGs.

I think I have a misunderstanding of the games combat system is supposed to work because I don't really see the use in blocking or parrying? I'm still pretty early into the game I think but I put on the kite shield which makes guard always active the whole turn and the dagger which makes parry always active the whole turn but they don't seem to actually do that I think...? Maybe I'm misunderstanding that too but regarding the first thing, blocking stuns the enemy but it feels like a waste of a turn because it only stops the attack of one enemy and so if there is more than one enemy (which there always is) you're just gonna get hit by all the other enemies as well. To me it seems like the best way to go about it is to just spam the heavy attack to kill all the enemies as quickly as possible and just hope it won't get blocked. If someone could explain some things that I might be missing that would help!

Hey there Kuzu,

It can also be the item descriptions that are not good enough to explain.

But basically the effect of the Dagger and Kite Shield only activates when you Parry and Block respectively, the difference is that without them, you can only Parry and Block the enemy you choose, while with them, the Parry and Block will work for every enemy in the same turn.

Stunning has 2 benefits:

  • It removes 1 source of damage for 2 turns.
  • It allows to freely attack the stunned enemy without him being able to counter your attack.

Since you can only target a single enemy, it means the others are free to act against you on that turn.

I don’t know if this covers you doubts, there is also the TUTORIAL section in the About screen within the game, it may contain helpful information regarding this.

Yes this definitely helps thank you!

Yo ero you should add in a function where your character can go out at night based on lust suggestion is either at maximum or 5 for swamp 7 for sewer 9 for deep forest and max for jungle

Hey Verdant_ether27,

In what way would you suggest the going out at night? Allow normal exploration of the maps or just trigger events, like for example starting scenes with the insects in the given map?

I think the same is something I thought from the beginning, I think it would be very good to have special events at night apart to go to certain parts, it would be managed by having the option of not sleeping and go to investigate, but this would bring a disadvantage that would be that 50% of the statistics would be reduced (damage, speed, number of hits etc.) because you did not sleep.

Like with the wolves?, if you did allow the character to go out at night I'd make it the game over scene for it like how it is with the chunky bug that triggers the incubator scene

я нашел это на другом сайте :=(

at least they still left the source to search :V

(1 edit)

Yeah it is quite normal for other sites to “rip” the contents. Some provide links to this page, others not really.

Please be careful as the only legit download sources are Itch and F95, in other sites I do not control what they put there, so have caution to not download harmful applications to your devices!

Có ai làm đc 2 cảnh mới của sên vs gián k vậy chir vs

vô cóng chỗ có sên với ruồi mà mò đường ,hồi là ra à (từ đó khám phá tiếp) đâu toàn giao tiếp tiếng anh ko à ,tiếng việt hên xui 

I don`t know if it has already been said but, if you have only one energy left to do a task and you go into the forest and pull a bugshroom and the automatic fight starts it softlocks you because the character wants to go back to the cabin but can´t because of the started fight but can´t fight because there is no button to press and as in my case you dind´t save beforehand good luck because you lose your progress.


I’ve confirmed this bug. Once I’m back I’ll fix this with the Dazed 2 issue on a patch update.


I've noticed a bug, at least in the mobile version, when I do the Dazed 2 banana bug scene, after the part of taking out the banana, the game crashes.

Yes Dazed 2 has been reported a few times. It is possible to workaround by skipping the stage of the transformation, before the transformation happens. The rest of the scene goes well :).

It was rushed😭

renamed dizziness to confusion 

On confusion 3 the player will get 3 times lust then normal and a special scene if you got defeated while having confusion 2 or 3

Hey Kyle,

I quite like the confusion status icons, specially the “confusion 3”, if we end up implementing an hypno-plant or a similar enemy, we will take this icons if you don’t mind :).

Add an Anal Scene, Also add a way that the more sex you have, the more tired Onike will be until he reaches a point where he refuses and you have to force him as if he were becoming a masochist. 

To night's suggestion is...!

The hypno plant

The hypno plant can be encountered in the deep forest with 25% of encountering it

When defeating the hypno plant it will drop a piece of itself that you can make into a potion! And also the hypno plant gives dizziness 1-3

Dizziness is a effect that affect's the player's combat, the dizziness will make the player often miss the enemy or even skipping the player's turn

And the potion? It can give all the enemy in screen dizziness 2 but it does work on the hypno plant

Hypno plant art will be posted tomorrow;] AND MERRY CHRISTMAS:D <3

Есть 1 лайфхак если на телефоне лагает гугл: просто зайти в верхнюю панель уведомлений или функций

For the banana bug I have Dazed 1 and 3, but I can't see 2

Have lewdness 3 or more, but 6 or less

Can you help me in unlocking the deep forest and water fall areas?? I tried exploring the forest for a few days but I can't reach it. Do I need to explore somewhere else? I am on Day 162 btw..plz Help.

Ur game version? It says you need to explore the sewer 10 times before unlocking the deep forest, and explore that area 20 times to unlock jungle map. 

I tried it recently, my game version up to date and that was my problem.

My game is v1. 0 the latest one but I did not try exploring the sewers. Thanks for the tip

Spend last action on exploring forest and get bugshroom,then I got stuck in a battle without enemy

V 1.0 is out lets gooo

Do you have time to come to the forum to discuss my design plans?

Hey, Merry Christmas! 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎉

Merry Christmas to you as well Unaa_mil!

(1 edit)

Well here is version 1.0, I hope this is not the end :) Thanks for your efforts and Merry Christmas.🎉🧑‍🎄

Hey there Isiokun,

We are planning to do some more, but let’s see how we plan and handle the CG question. For now, I hope you enjoy this version :). Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

I like all your work.👍🎉🧑‍🎄

Hey, thank you to you and your team for releasing this wonderful game. It truly made my day on how you are keeping this game free to many people (including me). I appreciate it so much! Thank you for spending your time for this game and Merry Christmas to you all! Have a nice day! 

Hey youhou00,

Thank you for the words, I hope you enjoy the update as well. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


i cant figure out how to seduce leeches, everytime i try it automatically goes to a scene or i dry them out. ive tried everything i can think of


You need the ring that can seduce enemies. Then get to lewd level 3 or higher in order to be able to make it work


so i got one issue upon revisiting the banana tree again if you play the scene again the game crashes

There is a bug in the banana bug, ironically. The Dazed 2 scene has a confirmed issue. You have to skip the stage the bug transforms or end the scene before then as to prevent it from crashing.

I apologize for this misshapen on my side.

😂 banana bug. Nice update anyway

There is also a bug in the banana bug… XD.

I have to congratulate you on achieving your project's goal post and i personally thank you once more for this shining diamond that you polished with your team since this game is unique in it's own right and it will be among my top favorites for years to come, I can guarantee it.

Cheers to you!

Hey there Sompno,

Thank you for the support! I hope you enjoy this update as well and that it helps keeping it on the top of your top favorites :D.

May be a bug but my game is crashing on daze 2, ain't a bit deal but I'm not sure (I'm on the S22 Ultra for the mobile ver)

(1 edit)

Nope, not just you. Same happened to me. Second banana bug scene causes a crash. Windows here.

(1 edit)

Yeah, there is a issue with the Banana Bug (Dazed 2) scene when the banana turns into a bug. Its normal on 1 and 3

Indeed, I’ve confirmed earlier that there is a bug with Dazed 2.

There should be 2 “workarounds”. Either end the scene early or skip the stage of the transformation, before the transformation happens. The rest of the scene should be OK.

Sorry for this, I’ll only be able to fix it in 2 weeks as I don’t have access to the project right now.

No biggie, looking forward to future plans either way, so that won't stop me

how long until the map guide and scene guide are updated...?

Both were updated :).

was there an update on the game?

Indeed, from v0.90 to v1.0 :P.

Remember when i said there was an error for V0.80 Being "this file isnt commonly reported as safe" its still the same 

Sao tìm máp mới z

(1 edit)

English pls. Google translate can’t handle this somehow.

he just ask how to find the new map in newest update and yeah some Vietnam people think anyone know Vietnamese



Thank you for your hard work! 

Hello Sbubunanas,

Thank you too for taking your time to play! Hope you enjoy the update.


Merry Christmas to all players from all over the world, this will be our Christmas present to you, I did my best to find the bugs to reduce your unpleasant experience, if you can enjoy playing with Leah and her “friends”, it will be worth all the hard work.

--Love from China

Thank you for all the time and help with bug testing :D, as well as the interpretation of the original events.

OMG ! What a wonderful christmas present ! Congrats Eroism and the whole team, I hope you can enjoy your holidays as much as possible !

Hey there Maximillien,

Thank you for all the support! Hope you enjoy this release as well :).

Eroism My congratulations on the release!

Hi leviathanpainis,

Thank you! Hope you enjoy the update :).

Ola desenvolvedores e jogadores.

venho por meio deste desejar a todos um ótimo Natal e um próspero ano novo 

Olá eroism espero que esteja bem a atualização está bem otimizada(0.90) no meu aparelho não tive problemas para roda . Porém estou sem tempo para jogar e procurar bugs abraço 

Hey there Grimreaper3234,

Thank you the the update, I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year as well :).

Best game so far,best animations too, can't wait for the next update

Thank you for the feedback!

Just released the next update :).

I LOVE YOU SM (⁠^⁠^⁠)

Jogo bom,não enjoa,cenas feitas estão muito boa,so queria que quando se passase um dia depois do mosquito sugador engravida ela,a personagem poderia parir mosquitos,otimo jogo

Hey arthurz1nho,

Sadly the original game didn’t finish the Mosquito event, so we don’t have a continuation on that, but we would like to, if we solve the question regarding the CGs.

so i have a question on the items.

Ero drug does +40%lust
Libido Herb does +60%lust.

is that right?

same with pure herb and Sedative.

Hey there SilvKitty,

Indeed, the Herbs have an increased value.

then i'm wondering, what's the point of the ero drug if it's worse and less valuable than what you can naturally find? it's a waste of stuff on paper

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