hi Eroism. I found a bug. When i buy bullets in packs of 25, i pay for 25 * 5, but i only get 25 * 1 bullets, spending 1 stone for 1 bullet.
PS. x5 multiplier didn’t work with any amount of bullets
so i downloaded the update and i really dont know whats goin on but it seams like every other encounter breaks the game and im not sure if its just freezing right after loading the encounter or if its a bugged state where the encounter starts but the bugs arent spawned into the match but its game breaking and just to make sure its not a save issue i tryd again on a brand new save file and still the same issue so i dunno whats goin on
It seems there is some issue on Android that breaks combat encounters, but I’m having trouble identifying it because I can’t replicate it on my device, and so far it seems to not happen on Linux/Windows.
Are you also playing on Android? And if it is the case, which Android version are you running, if you don’t mind me asking?
no I'm actually playing it on windows 11 and I did manage to find a temporary fix which is to save after every encounter but it's tedious to do so I'm thinking of trying an uninstall then reinstall approach
Olá desenvolvedores espero que estejam com saúde e não se esquecendo de sair do sótão de vem em quando pra tomar sol :P.
Eroism andei lendo alguns comentários e percebi que está tendo muitas ideias de implementação para o jogo, gostaria de pergunta será que algum bom animador não gostaria de participar desse projeto? Ao meu ver com todas essas ideias seria uma ótima forma de experiência tanto para equipe de desenvolvimento quanto a equipe de animações caso tenha uma planejada.
Lógico que temos que pensar que este projeto é inteiramente um remake até a versão 1.0 . Então acho "não tenho certeza" que se for realizar implementação de conteúdo após a 1.0 o projeto passaria a ser cobrado levando em consideração todo o trabalho
The only one thing I can’t see my self doing in this project is a full monetization. The game was originally created by Atella and for me this is more of a passion project and training for creating my own project from the ground up.
But if I find an animator/artist that can help me without expecting a big pay check, I’ll for sure add such a person to the project :).
I am a beginner pixel artist. This is certainly not what is needed in the insect prison project... But maybe if you need help in creating something else - I am happy to help and work on pure enthusiasm)
Is there any way to make the craftable items less expensive? With the comparison being that the lewd set is better it seems that the lewd is more easily attainable than the none lewd set. Just with how quickly lust and lewd builds up over time.
Hi Eroism, wanted to suggest an idea for a new weather related event such as a dark night. In short, at night the clouds obscure the moon and here what I suggest. 1. In this event, Leah will be scared and run to Rumia and they will go to bed together after which it may happen that at night they are attacked by insects. Another option is that they could go to pee outside or to the toilet and one of them will be attacked insect or other creature. 2. Leah will decide to go hunting but she will be scared alone and she will call Rumia and during the hunt they may be attacked by insects or they will fall into a trap. 3. During the dark night (you can come up with another name) Leah will be scared and she will call her dog to her house and while she falls asleep the dog can take advantage of her. In general, I can think of a lot more things with this event, but the main thing for me is to give an idea and then you decide for whether it will happen or not. (Sorry if I wrote with mistakes, I use a translator🥲)
All of these ideas are full of excellent ideas, but they all come with the very real problem that there is no corresponding CG to keep the events acted out, because the original authors didn't create CG for these events, and it would be hilarious if it was just a purely literal performance.
I didn't really understand what was meant by literal execution? And about the scenes, I know that they weren't in the original, but they can be added in updates after the release of 1.0.
I agree about the text, but I still don't understand about the animation. If the developers themselves did all the animations, then what's the problem with doing more? I don't mean my idea, I mean the future ones updates after 1.0 release. Even if everything is so, I still look forward to the next updates😄. Good mood and sorry if I'm talking nonsense😅
Новая версия переведенна и отправлена разработчику. Обращение к тем, кто пользуется моим переводом, если вы найдете ошибки в моем переводе, просьба писать в лс моего Boosty. Если будете писать тут, я могу не увидеть данное сообщение, то в таком случае пишите разработчику, он потом меня оповестит.
I'm already trying not to strain myself and I'm slowly translating another game, but only on the RPGM engine, and as soon as I get to work, I'll have to work twice as hard and to the detriment of my health.
Question: I saw in the planned updates, it says "Extension Roadmap", does that mean the previous creator (Atella) had extra content or did you make this content?
Atella had indeed many plans to the original game that never came to fruition, but in this case, the extension is more of my personal touch on how to reach the closure of the game, but I’ll try to include as many features that he planned as I can, considering the limitations I’m working with.
The idea is to finish where the original game stopped, adding a few more features, scenes, a bit of story and endings.
Do you plan on making any body changes to her? Like, if too many parasites, eggs or too much cum would make her belly expand, or maybe if too much lust she would lactate, or breast growth. Any plans? If not, do you plan on making some decisions have lasting effects? Like having trouble doing actions or exploring after being defeated or overpowered. Do you like my ideas? Are they too much? What is your position on this?
The ideas are nice, but some of them are a bit hard to go forward with right now. There is a plan to make the belly grow on the extension, but I’m still not sure how to proceed with it and how far I can take it, because of the effort and the lack of CGs with a different sized belly.
I’ll try to work around the limitations, but the final result will probably be a bit limited, let’s see.
Lactation and breast expansion unfortunately are a bit out of scope for the remake. Its interesting content, but very difficult to implement given the limitation in CGs and space to add such a feature.
For actions having lasting consequences, I’m aiming more for the pregnancy factor to have some sort of consequence, maybe reduce actions in a day, but it would require a positive outcome as well, as to not be solely a negative effect.
Hi Eroism, thanks! I made this name because this would be just a “porn game” account. So basically it was to ask you these questions, and no one else should really care, so that’s why.
And answer them you did, and I’m happy 2 of them are at least in your radar! I’m excited to see them eventually. Thank you for taking the time to read and answer! This game of yours is great! And keeps improving! I hope the development isn’t taking too big a toll on you, and that everything is going smoothly in it and just in general!
Usually it takes 2 weeks between versions, depending on how soon I can dish out the translation files for the translators.
Recently I found some issues of performance, that I mention below, specially for Android, so I’ll delay a few days until I’ve fully tested the fixes. Hopefully by the end of the week 0.85 will be ready :).
thanks, and in no way did i mean to rush, honestly just wanted to know estimated timeline cause eroism and co. tend to be very on time. I also know life happens and sometimes delays happen. I just wanted to make sure nothing major happened to one of my favorite games im following right now.
I’ve identified some performance issues that may be impacting the game, specially in Android. I don’t think they are strong or deep enough to be the reason that sometimes the game crashes in scenes, but I’ll try to have a few of them fixed for the next version so we can check out how much it improves :).
Hi, I don't know if I found an exploit in the rng or if I just got really lucky but I thought the story is funny enough, so i'll share it.
In early game, before I got the pickaxe and while exploring the cliff for iron ore, I found 3 broken pickaxes in a row, and 4 more the next day for a total of 7 wich is extremely impossible probability wise based on my previous experience and some old wiki for the original game that said the odds of finding a broken pickaxe was 1%.
7 pickaxes is indeed a bit many to find in only 2 in game days, but one of the updates raised the odds for pickaxes from 1% to 7%, so they are 7 times more likely to appear. I think in your case, RNG was “just right” and gifted you with many close odds :D.
The About is broken currently, so that is normal :).
Lewdness raises with each H event, and can only be reset with the Lewd Refiner at Rumia’s shop. Starting at 0 and ending at 9.
High lewdness (>= 3) triggers different H scenes from low lewdness (< 3), and some scenes or events may require a specific level of lewdness, like the temptation scenes.
Hello man, The Portuguese translation is very good, but with this update the game is crashing a lot of the time when I do an action, usually when I get into a fight (Redmi 10 prime 128gb rom 6gb ram)
I’m having trouble reproducing this on my device, also running Android 14. Can you share more details of your game’s state? Maybe most important would be the stats of Leah.
Also did you verify this on every battle, or is there a specific one where this happens more?
In the new game I created, the lag continues So I don't think the problem is Leah's status, a trick I'm using to reduce the crashes is to go through the texts very slowly and fight very slowly too.
And I probably won't be able to capture a moment of lag for you, but usually the game just closes or the game bugs out completely and the sprites are all bugged on the screen.
Regarding the “gun” in the Libido weapons line, do you intend to discard it or will you update it in the future? I know that the scripts for this weapon are a bit difficult to analyze.
I’ll add it in the next version :). It’s not going to be exactly the same as the original game, as I’ll make it a bit more fitting to my combat system, but the bullet requirement will still exist.
It will work similar to the other Libido items, except that it is a ranged weapon.
Ola Eroísm espero qje esteja tudo bem. Estava jogando o game e percebi que na cena de batalha com as aguas vivas um dos inimigos não tomava da no enquanto a leah estava com vermes no status do meu personagem ela estava com 23 "deixei de propósito eles la", e sempre que colocava para ela atacar ela só interagia com os 3 inimigos e após muitos turnos começou a contar as minhas ações, testei com a grande barata e está com o mesmo problema, não sei o que pode ser mas eu acredito que a interação dos vermes em batalha pode ter a ver pois depois que retirei eles as batalhas voltaram ao normal.
muito obrigado pelo seu tempo em ter respondido meu outro comentário, respondendo ele eu jogo na versão mais atual do jogo porém o meu save atual teve início na versão 0.70
Muito obrigado e boa sorte a toda equipe envolvida
If I understood your report, it seems the Parasite Worm attacks are blocking or cancelling your actions. There might be a problem when the Parasite Worm attacks that it cancels the remaining turns, so I’m going to investigate this as well.
Did the enemies also got their actions canceled when the Parasite Worm attacks you?
I think he's right, there does exist the phenomenon of parasites interrupting enemy and friendly turns, and I've wondered about it before, but I didn't take it seriously.
hello a question, do you plan to add the Spanish language in the future?. I ask because I see that you already have English.Russian, Portuguese and Chinese.
Sadly I didn’t get an update on the Spanish translations, so I postponed them. I’ll get in contact again when I have a moment and see if we can add them to the next version :).
Hey guys! I've been playing the game for 71 days and have a few questions.
1. I can't seem to get defeated H scenes, although I let myself be k.o.-ed by the monsters. Do I need a certain level of lust for that to happen? Also I can't get the jellyfish forced H-scene.
2. Is there anything to discover in the Cliffside and Sewer "explore"? Is it an unimplemented feature?
Thank you for the help guysand keep up the good work Eroism!
Jellyfish forced scenes require lewdness less than 3. The defeat scenes could be a bug, are you running the latest version 0.81? And which platform are you playing on?
Currently exploring the Cliff results in nothing. The Sewer exploration also only gives you Egg Fly encounters or nothing.
Hi, in general, of all the animals/insects you are missing one black worm. And if we talk about the scenes themselves, they are divided into 3 categories: forced, voluntary and defeat (correct me if I said it wrong) and each animal has several of them from 2-4 scenes. It all depends on Leah's lust too. Here are shown how many scenes thanks Ganerxd5113. There is also one scene missing here. last scene is bad endind on roaches (high lust).
Olá desenvolvedores, estou super animado com as continuações deste projeto e pelas futuras incrementacões
Esse jogo é tão interessante que eu fui atrás do jogo original, embora não tenha tido êxito ao abrir o jogo, consegui navegar pelos arquivos e ver muitas coisas que ainda serão incrementadas aumentando ainda mais minha vontade de ver o progresso desse projeto indo super bem.
A ainda tem algumas cenas que não cheguei a ver pois estou utilizando o mesmo jogo salvo da versão 0.70 e somente verificando as atualizações lançadas acredito que por essa diferença de versão tenha cenas que vão aparecer caso eu comece um novo jogo .
Tem uma cena que eu estou muito curioso para saber que seria dos parasitas na cama, terá uma continuação exemplo: eles saindo dela e realizando nascimentos de ovos etc ?.
Espero que essa versão 0.85 seja lança brevemente pois estou curioso como vai ficar o jogo.
E espero logo ver a cenas refeitas da bananeira ;p .
Thank you for the feedback :). Regarding the parasite worm scene, I’ll make an attempt at continuing the stages after the remake is completed, so after 1.0. I’m not entirely sure how much I’ll be capable of delivering there and I’m not even sure I will be able to actually do an extension of it, but it is in my plans to at least check it out.
The banana bug scene is pretty big, I may take a while to convert it from the origin into the remake once I start working on version 0.95, but I think it is of the most interesting ones :P.
If I understood correctly you are playing version 0.70 still, beware that the game is capable of converting saves from version to version, but updating more than 1 version at once is not tested, for example from 0.70 to 0.81, so I don’t know if the save works out at the end in these cases.
It is currently ongoing and it may take up to 2 weeks more to finish the new scenes and features. I’ll try to release the new version with the translations updated as well so there may be some additional time for the translation work and integration.
Hello, I would like to say about the error or is it something wrong with me. In general on a sunny day, when I accumulate a full scale of lust, drinking tea or when I go to bed, then game crashes. Although when I missed this day, I didn't seem to notice the crashes later. And the game is very good. I'm waiting for the next updates🤗 have a nice day everyone.(Sorry if some words are unclear, I use a translator)
Could you give me some more information about the crash? Were you playing in Android, Windows or Linux? And did this happen only once, or every time you have the sunny day?
Hi Eroism, i played on android. The next day I thought it was a one-time error, but when I went into the game and checked again, I was kicked out of the game again. Right now, while typing this, I decided to check if the error occurs on other days (not sunny) and it crashed again. Here are my actions that I did.
1) Drink tea.
2) Went into the forest.
3) Started searching in the forest 4) Met a dangerous insect.
5) Killed it.
6) Started searching again until night.
7) Clicked on drink tea and it crashes.
Also the lust bar was at zero.
I played at night and saw the same error only without tea. In general, this happens at night as I understand.
I also want to ask if changing panties could be added to the game. For example, panties will change depending on her lust, either the player does it himself or automatically after a few days she will change her panties.
Thank you for the steps, I’ll check it out along the other issues that people have been reporting.
I doubt that changing panties will be an option, this because there is no CG from Atella’s original game with such changes. I will look into it once we enter the extension phase, but can’t promise anything, sorry :(.
Sometimes when fighting the enemies, you just have to spam the same action and hope you are lucky, because the attacks from the enemeis cant be predicted, like i want to attack this unit, but it by random either deflect my attacks, or goes heavy attack on me or any other move, and i cant really predict what i should pick next for my attacks to actually matter.
What i would like to see, is a better way to fight them so you dont have to rely on spamming the same move and hope you win.
I understand your point. The combat is mostly reliant on RNG for the enemy actions, there is no strategy scheme. There is a set of rules that may help.
Enemies won’t use the same action twice in a row, (unless previously stunned or charmed), so it is safe to use the opposite of their last action, since they won’t repeat the counter on the next turn.
Enemies only use 1 of 4 actions (Fast Attack, Heavy Attack, Grab Attack and Guard), so based on the last turn you have a 1/3 chance to hit on their next action’s counter.
On the next update I’ll make a change so that every counter action stuns the enemy, so trying to go for counters in the best option. But I’m still trying to figure out how to tilt the combat a bit more to tactics based without fundamentally changing the current system. (Maybe removing the Parry action and make it an overloaded “full” Rock-Paper-Scissors)
There is at least one issue here that is from the game itself, which is the map names. They are not translatable, like the other texts are, but this will be corrected on version 0.85, since I updated the map names to allow this :).
Слушай Eroism, а как на счёт добавления ловушки которая будет ловить насекомых или других созданий и их можно было бы посадить в вольер что бы были домашние как пес,
Upd 1:
Можно было бы добавить и механики охоты или помощи в охоте
That is a good idea, but there might be already a sort of feature planned to become friendly with the insects in the future (have them as companions), after the remake is completed :).
Можно сделать таким образом приручение, или какой то предмет для приручение всех кроме дикой собаки ведь есть домашняя собака, я придумал, использовать грибожук и тентакли для крафт предмета приручения
I don't think it's appropriate, my friend, the enemies in the game are obviously not interested in these things, they are more interested in having sex with Leah, and naturally it should be after many sexual encounters, chance encounters on the map and eventually becoming friends. In the future it would be possible to make some sex events and assistance in combat for them. Some of the above are what I designed in the original game.
Hi, I tested the new update. First of all, the switch to lossy is really incredible, the file is really lighter for an almost unnoticeable change in image quality. I don't know if it's related but the performances also seems to be better and I noticed the game is way less prone to crashes so that's really cool.
Now I still don't know why but the about button still doesn't work with the same error message, I tried to reset the game files but it doesn't change anything. Also if I didn't dream this the message about not being able to drink tea is still bugged.
Here's what I noticed about the new update, I don't speak any of the localization next languages so I can't track errors in these. I'm eager to see how the game will end up. Good luck for the project and take care.
The performance impact is related to the image size decrease, because the game had to preload and decompress about 800 Mbs of lossless image data into RAM before actually starting. Lossy compression also reduced the memory footprint by 10 times, so the game only preloads about 80 Mbs of data now :). As you may have noticed, the cost is quality loss, but the ratio seems acceptable so far.
I was able to reproduce your problem with the “About” on version v0.81. It is a bit difficult to understand as it cannot be reproduced on a debug build, only a release build… I’ll have to check deeper into it and understand what is happening with the file to fail to be loaded on release builds.
I think it's because the game program is programmed to look for “readme.txt” text files. If a file with the same name is placed in the same directory as the game program, you'll find that the “about” button in the game automatically recognizes the file, even if it's not the original one. and when there is no “readme.txt” in the same directory as the game program, “about” will choose to report an error.
This is a very funny and interesting phenomenon. The reason it hasn't happened before is that the “readme.txt” text file is in the same zip file as the game program when you update it.
Yes I looked a bit more and you might be mostly right. Basically the readme.txt should be embedded in the game binary, but it seems that when built to release, the file is not being included inside. This might be a configuration error on my side, because there are inclusion and exclusion rules, and I’m using both.
In debug, the file exists outside of the game, so it is capable of loading it as a file separate from the game like you said :P.
I'd like to propose that the combat restraint chart be put into the game's “Information” section, otherwise it will gradually become harder to find on the front page after future updates.
The saving problem is a bit concerning, but I’m unable to reproduce it as when I save it seems to work, but I’m testing on the desktop only currently, I’ll attempt in Android and get back with news.
The other problem I did not quite understood, can you give me more details on the issues you’re having with getting stuck in battles?
I had something similar in the early stages of the game.
It mostly happened after the H-scenes. When the H-scene ended after pressing the "End of Scene" button, the screen returned to the battle, but nothing could be done. No icons were pressed.
But it was in early versions of the game, up to about 0.70. When the game was only on PC. I was sinning on my old laptop.
Re-uploaded the v0.81 with the corrections to the translation issues. It should be Ok now, but let me know if any error arises.
I’ve noticed that the settings don’t fit the window in the Russian version, but I can’t understand what is wrong to fix it, because this does not happen on debug version, only in release. I’ll keep investigating to see if I can identify and correct this by the next version.
I'm a fan of this game already, here is my feedback
This is a nice simple update, Im happy that the libido Equipment/weapons got its lust buff because having it only 1% hardly changes anything for its personal trait.
And we got a bandage buff, Woohoo! Bandage grinds will finally become an easy task.
I'm mainly excited for the bugshroom extras, It's delightful to hear that it'll eventually be added.
Yes, I've already looked at it too. so far, I have found only one scene that has not been translated. I'll look at the file later, maybe I missed it, but I think I translated everything.
Your text has code exposed when Leah reports the date when she gets up. There is also a place where the code is exposed when Leah wakes up with a parasite attack.
That's right. The date does not show when the Mosquito will attack at night, in English. I'll check the script right now, but maybe the problem is adding localization.
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А где можно посмотреть количество сцен?
cabin -> bedroom -> recall сейчас 25 сцен
Я имею ввиду что с кем есть какое кол во сцен мне не хватает 4
погляди вот тут
hi Eroism. I found a bug. When i buy bullets in packs of 25, i pay for 25 * 5, but i only get 25 * 1 bullets, spending 1 stone for 1 bullet. PS. x5 multiplier didn’t work with any amount of bullets
I validated the amount but not the price it seems, I’ll have this fixed on the next version, already confirmed the bug :).
How i find the slug?
Explore the Sewer
so i downloaded the update and i really dont know whats goin on but it seams like every other encounter breaks the game and im not sure if its just freezing right after loading the encounter or if its a bugged state where the encounter starts but the bugs arent spawned into the match but its game breaking and just to make sure its not a save issue i tryd again on a brand new save file and still the same issue so i dunno whats goin on
It seems there is some issue on Android that breaks combat encounters, but I’m having trouble identifying it because I can’t replicate it on my device, and so far it seems to not happen on Linux/Windows.
Are you also playing on Android? And if it is the case, which Android version are you running, if you don’t mind me asking?
no I'm actually playing it on windows 11 and I did manage to find a temporary fix which is to save after every encounter but it's tedious to do so I'm thinking of trying an uninstall then reinstall approach
Ah sorry, I’m more used to the issues coming from the Android version and I just assumed.
Let me know if that attempt works :).
unfortunately uninstalling and then reinstalling did not work guess im just gonna be using the temporary work around for now
Are the issues you’re facing similar to the ones Nofunnis described above?
WOOHOO Update !! Thanks for everything Eroism, take care
Thank you for the support, I hope the update meets with your enthusiasm :).
Great game:D but I needed more places to explore since I'm a explorer
There will be 2 more places until the end of the remake roadmap, and I’m planning on adding a few more (maybe 2 to 3) on the extension roadmap.
The map is not very extensive :(.
Just released :)
А где найти слизней? Появилось много багов
You can find them in the sewer. If in doubt, check the map guide devlog, it indicates where each encounter is :).
ohhhh.great. senks man)
I have written a debriefing for you in an email, please check it out.
Reviewed it, I pushed some to the backlog for the next version and solved all critical issues on this version :).
Olá desenvolvedores espero que estejam com saúde e não se esquecendo de sair do sótão de vem em quando pra tomar sol :P.
Eroism andei lendo alguns comentários e percebi que está tendo muitas ideias de implementação para o jogo, gostaria de pergunta será que algum bom animador não gostaria de participar desse projeto? Ao meu ver com todas essas ideias seria uma ótima forma de experiência tanto para equipe de desenvolvimento quanto a equipe de animações caso tenha uma planejada.
Lógico que temos que pensar que este projeto é inteiramente um remake até a versão 1.0 . Então acho "não tenho certeza" que se for realizar implementação de conteúdo após a 1.0 o projeto passaria a ser cobrado levando em consideração todo o trabalho
Am I right? What you're asking is, are there people who are willing to help create animation?
isso estou perguntando isso pois seriam uma ótima ajuda ao projeto, e uma ótima forma de experiência profissional
Experience yes, but there would be skills. I would like to help if I were an animator, but alas, a programmer.
The only one thing I can’t see my self doing in this project is a full monetization. The game was originally created by Atella and for me this is more of a passion project and training for creating my own project from the ground up.
But if I find an animator/artist that can help me without expecting a big pay check, I’ll for sure add such a person to the project :).
I am a beginner pixel artist. This is certainly not what is needed in the insect prison project... But maybe if you need help in creating something else - I am happy to help and work on pure enthusiasm)
Is there any way to make the craftable items less expensive? With the comparison being that the lewd set is better it seems that the lewd is more easily attainable than the none lewd set. Just with how quickly lust and lewd builds up over time.
Maybe the weakest items could be a bit cheaper, but for example, the Dragon Sword is better than the Libido Sword, so it should be expensive.
The draw back of the libido items is that they pose no additional effects, with the exception of the new Gun and the Ring.
Hi Eroism, wanted to suggest an idea for a new weather related event such as a dark night. In short, at night the clouds obscure the moon and here what I suggest. 1. In this event, Leah will be scared and run to Rumia and they will go to bed together after which it may happen that at night they are attacked by insects. Another option is that they could go to pee outside or to the toilet and one of them will be attacked insect or other creature. 2. Leah will decide to go hunting but she will be scared alone and she will call Rumia and during the hunt they may be attacked by insects or they will fall into a trap. 3. During the dark night (you can come up with another name) Leah will be scared and she will call her dog to her house and while she falls asleep the dog can take advantage of her. In general, I can think of a lot more things with this event, but the main thing for me is to give an idea and then you decide for whether it will happen or not. (Sorry if I wrote with mistakes, I use a translator🥲)
All of these ideas are full of excellent ideas, but they all come with the very real problem that there is no corresponding CG to keep the events acted out, because the original authors didn't create CG for these events, and it would be hilarious if it was just a purely literal performance.
I didn't really understand what was meant by literal execution? And about the scenes, I know that they weren't in the original, but they can be added in updates after the release of 1.0.
I mean, it would be rough if these events were simply presented using text, after all, we don't have a corresponding cg to use.
I agree about the text, but I still don't understand about the animation. If the developers themselves did all the animations, then what's the problem with doing more? I don't mean my idea, I mean the future ones updates after 1.0 release. Even if everything is so, I still look forward to the next updates😄. Good mood and sorry if I'm talking nonsense😅
The idea is indeed interesting, but as Lightning_Dragon said, it would be difficult to implement.
The CGs were created by Atella, the author of the original game. I have no means, or knowledge, to reproduce his work.
Atella gave his permission for the use of his work, but is not affiliated with this remake, so unfortunately, we cannot depend on him for new CGs :(.
Новая версия переведенна и отправлена разработчику. Обращение к тем, кто пользуется моим переводом, если вы найдете ошибки в моем переводе, просьба писать в лс моего Boosty. Если будете писать тут, я могу не увидеть данное сообщение, то в таком случае пишите разработчику, он потом меня оповестит.
Are you fully recovered? Comrade?
The cast was removed, the tumor was almost gone, but the pain still remained. So we can say that I have recovered and will be going to work soon.
Good health is the most important thing, don't overwork yourself.
I'm already trying not to strain myself and I'm slowly translating another game, but only on the RPGM engine, and as soon as I get to work, I'll have to work twice as hard and to the detriment of my health.
Question: I saw in the planned updates, it says "Extension Roadmap", does that mean the previous creator (Atella) had extra content or did you make this content?
Atella had indeed many plans to the original game that never came to fruition, but in this case, the extension is more of my personal touch on how to reach the closure of the game, but I’ll try to include as many features that he planned as I can, considering the limitations I’m working with.
The idea is to finish where the original game stopped, adding a few more features, scenes, a bit of story and endings.
Do you plan on making any body changes to her? Like, if too many parasites, eggs or too much cum would make her belly expand, or maybe if too much lust she would lactate, or breast growth. Any plans? If not, do you plan on making some decisions have lasting effects? Like having trouble doing actions or exploring after being defeated or overpowered. Do you like my ideas? Are they too much? What is your position on this?
Hey there Pretend Im not here, good name :P,
The ideas are nice, but some of them are a bit hard to go forward with right now. There is a plan to make the belly grow on the extension, but I’m still not sure how to proceed with it and how far I can take it, because of the effort and the lack of CGs with a different sized belly.
I’ll try to work around the limitations, but the final result will probably be a bit limited, let’s see.
Lactation and breast expansion unfortunately are a bit out of scope for the remake. Its interesting content, but very difficult to implement given the limitation in CGs and space to add such a feature.
For actions having lasting consequences, I’m aiming more for the pregnancy factor to have some sort of consequence, maybe reduce actions in a day, but it would require a positive outcome as well, as to not be solely a negative effect.
Hi Eroism, thanks! I made this name because this would be just a “porn game” account. So basically it was to ask you these questions, and no one else should really care, so that’s why.
And answer them you did, and I’m happy 2 of them are at least in your radar! I’m excited to see them eventually. Thank you for taking the time to read and answer! This game of yours is great! And keeps improving! I hope the development isn’t taking too big a toll on you, and that everything is going smoothly in it and just in general!
Thank you for you support and worry :).
do you have an estimated time or date for next major update?
Usually it takes 2 weeks between versions, depending on how soon I can dish out the translation files for the translators.
Recently I found some issues of performance, that I mention below, specially for Android, so I’ll delay a few days until I’ve fully tested the fixes. Hopefully by the end of the week 0.85 will be ready :).
thanks, and in no way did i mean to rush, honestly just wanted to know estimated timeline cause eroism and co. tend to be very on time. I also know life happens and sometimes delays happen. I just wanted to make sure nothing major happened to one of my favorite games im following right now.
Thank you for the support :).
This version had a lot of features worked in, mainly fixing old issues and performance problems which were only found in the end.
I’ve identified some performance issues that may be impacting the game, specially in Android. I don’t think they are strong or deep enough to be the reason that sometimes the game crashes in scenes, but I’ll try to have a few of them fixed for the next version so we can check out how much it improves :).
The translation has been completed and the file has been uploaded, please check it out.
Hi, I don't know if I found an exploit in the rng or if I just got really lucky but I thought the story is funny enough, so i'll share it.
In early game, before I got the pickaxe and while exploring the cliff for iron ore, I found 3 broken pickaxes in a row, and 4 more the next day for a total of 7 wich is extremely impossible probability wise based on my previous experience and some old wiki for the original game that said the odds of finding a broken pickaxe was 1%.
Hey there Maximillien,
7 pickaxes is indeed a bit many to find in only 2 in game days, but one of the updates raised the odds for pickaxes from 1% to 7%, so they are 7 times more likely to appear. I think in your case, RNG was “just right” and gifted you with many close odds :D.
How does lewdness work? I'm sorry if this is explained in the about file I cannot access it
The About is broken currently, so that is normal :).
Lewdness raises with each H event, and can only be reset with the Lewd Refiner at Rumia’s shop. Starting at 0 and ending at 9.
High lewdness (>= 3) triggers different H scenes from low lewdness (< 3), and some scenes or events may require a specific level of lewdness, like the temptation scenes.
Hello man, The Portuguese translation is very good, but with this update the game is crashing a lot of the time when I do an action, usually when I get into a fight (Redmi 10 prime 128gb rom 6gb ram)
Hi Nofunnis,
I’ve noticed some reports, besides yours, that the combat is causing some crashes in Android. Do the crashes happen outside of combat as well?
There might be a bug on the Android version specifically, but I couldn’t yet identify it.
It usually crashes when you go into combat. Sometimes I can even do the fight but after playing a little longer the game crashes and closes.
Android 14 well
On 0.80 I wasn't having these crashes
I’m having trouble reproducing this on my device, also running Android 14. Can you share more details of your game’s state? Maybe most important would be the stats of Leah.
Also did you verify this on every battle, or is there a specific one where this happens more?
In the new game I created, the lag continues So I don't think the problem is Leah's status, a trick I'm using to reduce the crashes is to go through the texts very slowly and fight very slowly too.
And I probably won't be able to capture a moment of lag for you, but usually the game just closes or the game bugs out completely and the sprites are all bugged on the screen.
Regarding the “gun” in the Libido weapons line, do you intend to discard it or will you update it in the future? I know that the scripts for this weapon are a bit difficult to analyze.
Hi Lightning_Dragon,
I’ll add it in the next version :). It’s not going to be exactly the same as the original game, as I’ll make it a bit more fitting to my combat system, but the bullet requirement will still exist.
It will work similar to the other Libido items, except that it is a ranged weapon.
I understand, it's best to let me know elsewhere when you're ready to send a translation, I don't usually check e-mail.
I’ve just sent all the new/updated translation files :).
Ola Eroísm espero qje esteja tudo bem. Estava jogando o game e percebi que na cena de batalha com as aguas vivas um dos inimigos não tomava da no enquanto a leah estava com vermes no status do meu personagem ela estava com 23 "deixei de propósito eles la", e sempre que colocava para ela atacar ela só interagia com os 3 inimigos e após muitos turnos começou a contar as minhas ações, testei com a grande barata e está com o mesmo problema, não sei o que pode ser mas eu acredito que a interação dos vermes em batalha pode ter a ver pois depois que retirei eles as batalhas voltaram ao normal.
muito obrigado pelo seu tempo em ter respondido meu outro comentário, respondendo ele eu jogo na versão mais atual do jogo porém o meu save atual teve início na versão 0.70
Muito obrigado e boa sorte a toda equipe envolvida
Hey there Grimreaper3234,
If I understood your report, it seems the Parasite Worm attacks are blocking or cancelling your actions. There might be a problem when the Parasite Worm attacks that it cancels the remaining turns, so I’m going to investigate this as well.
Did the enemies also got their actions canceled when the Parasite Worm attacks you?
Thank you for the detailed information!
I think he's right, there does exist the phenomenon of parasites interrupting enemy and friendly turns, and I've wondered about it before, but I didn't take it seriously.
Yes, I’ve just confirmed the bug, I think I know where I made the mistake. Next version will most likely have this corrected :).
sim os dois se cancelam mas ocorre somente com um dos inimigos
Эроизм, были ли у тебя какие то ещё работы? Если да то какие и где?
Yes I do in fact, I’ve worked as a “sort of” computer technician and currently work in IT, as a code monkey XD.
hello a question, do you plan to add the Spanish language in the future?. I ask because I see that you already have English.Russian, Portuguese and Chinese.
someone's doing it rn, prob in the next update
okay, thank you very much
Sadly I didn’t get an update on the Spanish translations, so I postponed them. I’ll get in contact again when I have a moment and see if we can add them to the next version :).
Hey, if you still need the spanish translation I could do it if the other one doesn't respond
Edit: I could do it fast if you need it for this week
Thank you for the offer. I’ve contacted the Spanish translator, if he drops the translations I’ll let you know :).
Hey guys! I've been playing the game for 71 days and have a few questions.
1. I can't seem to get defeated H scenes, although I let myself be k.o.-ed by the monsters. Do I need a certain level of lust for that to happen? Also I can't get the jellyfish forced H-scene.
2. Is there anything to discover in the Cliffside and Sewer "explore"? Is it an unimplemented feature?
Thank you for the help guysand keep up the good work Eroism!
Hi ddr2,
Thank you for the support!
Jellyfish forced scenes require lewdness less than 3. The defeat scenes could be a bug, are you running the latest version 0.81? And which platform are you playing on?
Currently exploring the Cliff results in nothing. The Sewer exploration also only gives you Egg Fly encounters or nothing.
Hello Eroism! Thank you for personally taking time to respond to my inquiries!
I'm playing on the latest version, v 0.81, Windows edition and I downloaded the game on my desktop and moved it to my USB stick.
Hi, in general, of all the animals/insects you are missing one black worm. And if we talk about the scenes themselves, they are divided into 3 categories: forced, voluntary and defeat (correct me if I said it wrong) and each animal has several of them from 2-4 scenes. It all depends on Leah's lust too. Here are shown how many scenes thanks Ganerxd5113. There is also one scene missing here. last scene is bad endind on roaches (high lust).
Thank you for the idea, I’ll make a similar image when I create a post about how to unlock the scenes :).
Hi how can you echi with Rumia
The Rumia scene requires you to spy on the peephole behind her shop. Try it out at night.
Olá desenvolvedores, estou super animado com as continuações deste projeto e pelas futuras incrementacões
Esse jogo é tão interessante que eu fui atrás do jogo original, embora não tenha tido êxito ao abrir o jogo, consegui navegar pelos arquivos e ver muitas coisas que ainda serão incrementadas aumentando ainda mais minha vontade de ver o progresso desse projeto indo super bem.
A ainda tem algumas cenas que não cheguei a ver pois estou utilizando o mesmo jogo salvo da versão 0.70 e somente verificando as atualizações lançadas acredito que por essa diferença de versão tenha cenas que vão aparecer caso eu comece um novo jogo .
Tem uma cena que eu estou muito curioso para saber que seria dos parasitas na cama, terá uma continuação exemplo: eles saindo dela e realizando nascimentos de ovos etc ?.
Espero que essa versão 0.85 seja lança brevemente pois estou curioso como vai ficar o jogo.
E espero logo ver a cenas refeitas da bananeira ;p .
Hey there Grimreaper3234,
Thank you for the feedback :). Regarding the parasite worm scene, I’ll make an attempt at continuing the stages after the remake is completed, so after 1.0. I’m not entirely sure how much I’ll be capable of delivering there and I’m not even sure I will be able to actually do an extension of it, but it is in my plans to at least check it out.
The banana bug scene is pretty big, I may take a while to convert it from the origin into the remake once I start working on version 0.95, but I think it is of the most interesting ones :P.
If I understood correctly you are playing version 0.70 still, beware that the game is capable of converting saves from version to version, but updating more than 1 version at once is not tested, for example from 0.70 to 0.81, so I don’t know if the save works out at the end in these cases.
Эроизм, когда уже 0.85?
It is currently ongoing and it may take up to 2 weeks more to finish the new scenes and features. I’ll try to release the new version with the translations updated as well so there may be some additional time for the translation work and integration.
Помнишь предложение на счёт кристаллических насекомых в районе шахты? Можно их добавить у лестницы к шахте где ничего нет
Да и с них можно сделать кристалл который будет позволять выходить на охоту ночью
last scene is bad endind on roaches (high lust), can not be unlocked
Hello, I would like to say about the error or is it something wrong with me. In general on a sunny day, when I accumulate a full scale of lust, drinking tea or when I go to bed, then game crashes. Although when I missed this day, I didn't seem to notice the crashes later. And the game is very good. I'm waiting for the next updates🤗 have a nice day everyone.(Sorry if some words are unclear, I use a translator)
Hey there Isiokun,
Could you give me some more information about the crash? Were you playing in Android, Windows or Linux? And did this happen only once, or every time you have the sunny day?
Hi Eroism, i played on android. The next day I thought it was a one-time error, but when I went into the game and checked again, I was kicked out of the game again. Right now, while typing this, I decided to check if the error occurs on other days (not sunny) and it crashed again. Here are my actions that I did.
1) Drink tea.
2) Went into the forest.
3) Started searching in the forest 4) Met a dangerous insect.
5) Killed it.
6) Started searching again until night.
7) Clicked on drink tea and it crashes.
Also the lust bar was at zero.
I played at night and saw the same error only without tea. In general, this happens at night as I understand.
I also want to ask if changing panties could be added to the game. For example, panties will change depending on her lust, either the player does it himself or automatically after a few days she will change her panties.
Thank you for the steps, I’ll check it out along the other issues that people have been reporting.
I doubt that changing panties will be an option, this because there is no CG from Atella’s original game with such changes. I will look into it once we enter the extension phase, but can’t promise anything, sorry :(.
As for the panties, everything is fine. If you think logically, she got to the island without any things on her.
Sometimes when fighting the enemies, you just have to spam the same action and hope you are lucky, because the attacks from the enemeis cant be predicted, like i want to attack this unit, but it by random either deflect my attacks, or goes heavy attack on me or any other move, and i cant really predict what i should pick next for my attacks to actually matter.
What i would like to see, is a better way to fight them so you dont have to rely on spamming the same move and hope you win.
I understand your point. The combat is mostly reliant on RNG for the enemy actions, there is no strategy scheme. There is a set of rules that may help.
On the next update I’ll make a change so that every counter action stuns the enemy, so trying to go for counters in the best option. But I’m still trying to figure out how to tilt the combat a bit more to tactics based without fundamentally changing the current system. (Maybe removing the Parry action and make it an overloaded “full” Rock-Paper-Scissors)
Hi eroism, how can I suggest corrections to the Russian translation? I found quite a few words that were mistranslated or inappropriate.
Hello leviathanpainis,
You can mail me the information and I can forward it to Keshka, or speak directly with him :).
I made the Google document in which I pointed out several translation errors. the list is not complete, this is just what I found in an hour
Thank you for the detailed corrections.
There is at least one issue here that is from the game itself, which is the map names. They are not translatable, like the other texts are, but this will be corrected on version 0.85, since I updated the map names to allow this :).
Слушай Eroism, а как на счёт добавления ловушки которая будет ловить насекомых или других созданий и их можно было бы посадить в вольер что бы были домашние как пес,
Upd 1:
Можно было бы добавить и механики охоты или помощи в охоте
That is a good idea, but there might be already a sort of feature planned to become friendly with the insects in the future (have them as companions), after the remake is completed :).
Можно сделать таким образом приручение, или какой то предмет для приручение всех кроме дикой собаки ведь есть домашняя собака, я придумал, использовать грибожук и тентакли для крафт предмета приручения
I don't think it's appropriate, my friend, the enemies in the game are obviously not interested in these things, they are more interested in having sex with Leah, and naturally it should be after many sexual encounters, chance encounters on the map and eventually becoming friends. In the future it would be possible to make some sex events and assistance in combat for them. Some of the above are what I designed in the original game.
Hi, I tested the new update. First of all, the switch to lossy is really incredible, the file is really lighter for an almost unnoticeable change in image quality. I don't know if it's related but the performances also seems to be better and I noticed the game is way less prone to crashes so that's really cool.
Now I still don't know why but the about button still doesn't work with the same error message, I tried to reset the game files but it doesn't change anything. Also if I didn't dream this the message about not being able to drink tea is still bugged.
Here's what I noticed about the new update, I don't speak any of the localization next languages so I can't track errors in these. I'm eager to see how the game will end up. Good luck for the project and take care.
Hey Maximillien,
Thank you for the feedback!
The performance impact is related to the image size decrease, because the game had to preload and decompress about 800 Mbs of lossless image data into RAM before actually starting. Lossy compression also reduced the memory footprint by 10 times, so the game only preloads about 80 Mbs of data now :). As you may have noticed, the cost is quality loss, but the ratio seems acceptable so far.
I was able to reproduce your problem with the “About” on version v0.81. It is a bit difficult to understand as it cannot be reproduced on a debug build, only a release build… I’ll have to check deeper into it and understand what is happening with the file to fail to be loaded on release builds.
I think I can explain the problem.
I think it's because the game program is programmed to look for “readme.txt” text files. If a file with the same name is placed in the same directory as the game program, you'll find that the “about” button in the game automatically recognizes the file, even if it's not the original one. and when there is no “readme.txt” in the same directory as the game program, “about” will choose to report an error.
This is a very funny and interesting phenomenon. The reason it hasn't happened before is that the “readme.txt” text file is in the same zip file as the game program when you update it.
Yes I looked a bit more and you might be mostly right. Basically the readme.txt should be embedded in the game binary, but it seems that when built to release, the file is not being included inside. This might be a configuration error on my side, because there are inclusion and exclusion rules, and I’m using both.
In debug, the file exists outside of the game, so it is capable of loading it as a file separate from the game like you said :P.
I'd like to propose that the combat restraint chart be put into the game's “Information” section, otherwise it will gradually become harder to find on the front page after future updates.
That is a good idea. I’ll try to restructure the “About” option to handle the information in a better way and include graphics.
Жду v0.85 день 1
Hey there Gamerxd5113,
The saving problem is a bit concerning, but I’m unable to reproduce it as when I save it seems to work, but I’m testing on the desktop only currently, I’ll attempt in Android and get back with news.
The other problem I did not quite understood, can you give me more details on the issues you’re having with getting stuck in battles?
I had something similar in the early stages of the game.
It mostly happened after the H-scenes. When the H-scene ended after pressing the "End of Scene" button, the screen returned to the battle, but nothing could be done. No icons were pressed.
But it was in early versions of the game, up to about 0.70. When the game was only on PC. I was sinning on my old laptop.
And you have this problem only in 0.81 or did you also have it with 0.80?
Important note for Chinese/Russian translations
Re-uploaded the v0.81 with the corrections to the translation issues. It should be Ok now, but let me know if any error arises.
I’ve noticed that the settings don’t fit the window in the Russian version, but I can’t understand what is wrong to fix it, because this does not happen on debug version, only in release. I’ll keep investigating to see if I can identify and correct this by the next version.
I'm a fan of this game already, here is my feedback
This is a nice simple update, Im happy that the libido Equipment/weapons got its lust buff because having it only 1% hardly changes anything for its personal trait.
And we got a bandage buff, Woohoo! Bandage grinds will finally become an easy task.
I'm mainly excited for the bugshroom extras, It's delightful to hear that it'll eventually be added.
Thank you for the feedback!
When it's all done, I'll provide eroism with a "bugshroom" suitable solution, which is my own exclusive design on the original.
@Keshka212,My comrade, I think you have some problems with your language as well, and I think you'd better get it checked out as well.
Yes, I've already looked at it too. so far, I have found only one scene that has not been translated. I'll look at the file later, maybe I missed it, but I think I translated everything.
Your text has code exposed when Leah reports the date when she gets up. There is also a place where the code is exposed when Leah wakes up with a parasite attack.
That's right. The date does not show when the Mosquito will attack at night, in English. I'll check the script right now, but maybe the problem is adding localization.
Anyway, all my texts are not working ....Only the button works .....
We will be waiting for a response from the developer. This was to be expected from the first localization pressure.